The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC

217 West Main Street,
Louisa, VA 23093

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Benefits of Comprehensive Insurance

You can breathe a sigh of relief when you add comprehensive coverage to your auto insurance policy. Especially if you worry about damages caused by hail or hitting an animal on the road at night. Additionally, comprehensive coverage sometimes handles damage due to vandalism and theft, depending on how the policy is written. The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC team in Louisa, VA can help you expand your auto insurance to include comprehensive insurance.

What Does Comprehensive Insurance Cover?

This coverage typically handles damage that occurs when you swerve to miss a dog or other animal on the road and hit another object. It also covers damage to your vehicle due to non-collision events such as vandalism. To learn more about how specific policies are written, contact one of our competent auto insurance agents.

Reasons to Invest in Comprehensive Auto Insurance

The advantages of having this coverage include peace of mind that you have the money to pay for damage caused by vandals. Many comprehensive auto insurance policies also cover weather-related damage and reimbursement if someone steals your car. If you want protection from fire and flood damage or animal collisions, talk to your agent about how to include this in your comprehensive insurance.

Keep in mind that every policy is different, and you should always review changes with a licensed insurance agent. Many drivers add this coverage to pay for repair bills not covered by regular auto insurance.

Should I Add Comprehensive Coverage to My Policy?

Ultimately, that’s a personal decision. However, talking to your agent can help you weigh the pros and cons of adding comprehensive coverage to your auto insurance. Contact the team at The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA today to schedule an appointment for a free quote or to discuss all your auto insurance needs.

Insuring Your New Electric Vehicle

Are you shopping for an electric vehicle in Louisa, VA? At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC, we keep up with the many types of vehicles our customers enjoy, ensuring that they get the auto insurance coverage and personal help they need.

Proud Owner of a New Electric Vehicle?

In the process of putting your EV on the road, there are a number of steps to consider, from taking advantage of incentives to planning for charging the vehicle. Insurance considerations are similar to those of other, similarly-priced vehicles, including making sure that you’re protected for the risks you consider relevant, as well as mandatory state coverage for the Commonwealth of Virginia. You’ll also need to take care of Virginia’s requirements for EV owners, such as alternative fuel tax payments and inspection at a location equipped for EV safety checks. Plus, you’ll need to plan for charging the vehicle’s battery, bearing in mind your expected usage.

Charging Your New EV

For most EVs, owners find the basic charging cable to require too much time for a full charge each day. Charging at public or workplace locations works well for many, but you may also want to have a higher-speed charging station installed at your home. Here, insurance considerations cross over from your vehicle to your Louisa, VA home.

At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC, we can help you make sure your home insurance is updated to include this added electrical feature. If you find that the range of your vehicle is plenty with infrequent charging, you may find that you qualify for coverage adjustments for low-mileage drivers as well.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Let’s talk about the optimum insurance coverage for your new electric vehicle and any related coverage changes, and make sure you’re all set for relaxing modern electricity-powered driving.

Car Insurance and Holiday Travel: What to Know

With the holiday season just around the corner, many Louisa, VA residents are preparing to travel to see friends and family or take a much-needed getaway. However, with the excitement of the holidays and the planning required to bring everything together, car insurance is the last thing on many drivers’ minds.

By taking a moment to look over your current policy before heading out on your trip, you can ensure that you’re prepared for anything that comes your way. The team at The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC is here to help you gather the information you need before you travel.

Ensure You’re Protected Before You Hit the Road

When taking your car on a long trip, there are a few things that you have to know: who and what is covered, and what happens if an accident occurs in another state. Generally, your current policy will still cover damage that occurs when another driver is behind the wheel unless otherwise stated.

Similarly, your policy will still work if your accident takes place in a state that is not your home state. Even though each state has its own laws surrounding minimum coverage, it’s unlikely that you’ll be punished for not reaching that requirement. All that being said, how your policy handles things like towing, rental costs, and roadside assistance in other states may vary. Because of this, it’s important to make sure you understand the specifics of your policy before traveling.

Get the Right Coverage for Your Needs

If you’re in the Louisa, VA area and are looking for a policy that better suits your needs, contact The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC today! We’ll work with you to compare policies from a variety of providers to ensure you get the coverage you need at an affordable price.

Four reasons why auto insurance is so important

Drivers in Louisa, VA should realize how important it is to purchase insurance coverage for their vehicle. The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC is an insurance company offering auto coverage.

The following are four reasons why auto insurance is so important:

Auto insurance is required by law.

The most important reason why you need to have auto insurance is because the law requires it in Virginia. You could be cited for driving without insurance if you do not carry coverage that meets the state minimum liability coverage requirements. 

Auto insurance protects the investment you’ve made in your vehicle.

You can add collision and comprehensive coverage to your auto insurance policy. This will make it so that you are compensated for damages to your own vehicle after you are involved in an accident. 

Without auto insurance that includes collision and comprehensive coverage, you can lose the investment you make in your vehicle if your vehicle is totaled in an accident. 

Auto insurance protects your assets.

If you are held liable for auto accident damages, it’s not only your vehicle that you might lose. You can also lose other assets if you are sued for accident damages. 

Auto insurance includes liability coverage that protects your assets when you are held responsible for accident damages. 

Auto insurance allows you to get your vehicle purchase financed.

You won’t be able to borrow money to buy a vehicle if you don’t have auto insurance. Auto loan lenders require auto insurance to protect them against the risks involved with loaning money for vehicle purchases. 

Reach Out To Us

Are you a consumer in Louisa, VA who is on the market for an auto insurance policy? We can give you a quote on an auto insurance policy. Call us at The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC!

Additional auto coverage you may want beyond basic

At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA, we are an independent insurance agency. We work for our customers, not for the insurance carriers. Providing our customers with personalized service, as well as more choices, is what we are known for.  We will do the work to find the best coverage for you at the best price. 

To maximize coverage for your car, here are some add-ons you may want beyond the basic:


Collision coverage protects your vehicle from you and an accident that you may be responsible for. It also covers your vehicle if you have an accident where no other vehicle is involved or a hit-and-run. 


Comprehensive insurance coverage covers a variety of different types of potential threats to your vehicle, including theft and vandalism. High winds, hail, ice and snow, and floods are all included in this coverage. It also covers a large animal that may decide to run into your vehicle. 

Uninsured or Underinsured motorist coverage

If you have an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, no matter who is at fault, you can be left holding the bag. You should have your own coverage to help keep you safe. This coverage will pay for injuries to you and your passengers and for damage to your vehicle. 

Gap coverage

Gap coverage covers the gap between your auto loan and the value the insurance company assigns to your vehicle. This is important coverage for new vehicles in particular. Without it, you could be left owing money on your loan for a vehicle that you no longer have. 

Roadside assistance

Roadside assistance provides the same coverage as the well-known auto club provides. You won’t have to worry about a breakdown when you are out and about or after an accident. 

Give us a call today

Contact The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA to discuss your very important auto insurance coverage. 

What Are The Different Types Of Auto Insurance Coverage?

As a car owner, it’s vital that you know the different types of auto insurance coverage you can get if you have a goal of purchasing adequate coverage. Here are the top types of auto insurance coverage that Louisa, VA car owners purchase.  

The Different Types Of Auto Insurance

1. Personal Injury Protection

Personal injury protection coverage pays for the driver’s medical expenses after an accident. It also provides compensation for other expenses incurred from the injuries besides medical bills, such as lost wages and child care expenses. 

2. Medical Payments Coverage

Unlike personal injury protection coverage, medical payments coverage covers explicitly medical bills. Its coverage extends to you, other family members who might drive the insured car, and the passengers in the vehicle at the time of the accident. 

3. Collision Coverage

Collision coverage covers the damage to your vehicle after an accident. This coverage pay for the cost of repairing the car to its initial state or replacing the vehicle if it’s totalled. Keep in mind that if the car is totalled, you will only be compensated up to its actual cash value less your deductible. At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC, we recommend that you get collision coverage if you want to avoid having to deal with expensive repairs or the cost of purchasing another car after an accident. 

4. Comprehensive Coverage

This auto coverage protects your vehicle from damage due to vandalism, fire, theft, and natural disasters. If a peril listed under this coverage damages your car, the insurer will pay to fix it or replace it. The compensation you receive to replace your vehicle will reflect its actual cash value less your deductible.

5. Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is divided into bodily injury and property damage liability. The former covers injuries your car causes to other persons, and the latter covers the damage it causes to third-part property. 

Are you looking for auto insurance in Louisa, VA? Call The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC today.

Auto Insurance Policy Breakdown

The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC serves the Louisa, VA community. Life is full of unpredictability. We strive to offer our clients policies that will allow them to navigate life’s risks. We offer multiple types of coverage so that our clients can find a policy that directly aligns with their individual needs. We will sit down with you and help you find the coverage you’re looking for.

Auto Insurance Policy Breakdown

As you travel around Louisa, VA in your car, you have to be aware of your surroundings. Detours may cause road conditions to change, and you also have to think about the behavior of other drivers on the road. Auto insurance gives you a layer of protection if something arises while you’re on the road. Collision coverage protects you if your vehicle suffers damage thanks to an impact with another driver. Any damages to your vehicle are covered. Liability coverage is also an important part of your policy. Accidents can happen at any time while you’re driving. If you hit someone or accidentally cause property damage, liability coverage is a safety net. Liability coverage takes care of the repairs or the injured party’s medical bills and prevents you from facing potential legal action.

Comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle in unique ways. Perhaps you are a victim of theft. Maybe a serious storm passes through the coast and causes debris to crack your windshield or break your windows. Comprehensive coverage protects you in these situations. You can also amend your policy to add extra coverage. If you choose to modify your vehicle, you can add modified auto coverage to protect you if the upgrades are damaged.

The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about auto insurance.

Reasons why you may need more than basic auto insurance

Basic auto insurance is what is required by the state, in this case, Virginia. It is liability coverage that protects other drivers in the event you cause an accident. It is important coverage and it protects your assets, but it does not protect your vehicle. The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA, believes it is our job to make sure that all of our customers have exactly the amount of insurance that is best suited to their needs. 

If you are leasing your vehicle or you have a car loan, you will be required to have more than basic insurance. You need to protect the vehicle since others have a vested interest in your vehicle. Collision and comprehensive coverage will be required. . Collision protects your vehicle after an accident where you are at fault, are the only car in an accident, or are a victim of a hit and run. Comprehensive is coverage for all the things that can happen that aren’t your fault, just bad luck like weather damage, theft, and vandalism. 

If you are like most people, you count on your vehicle for everyday activities. You need to drive to work, shop, and pick up the kids. A day doesn’t go by when you don’t use your car. For you, having coverage that will fix your car if it is damaged is vital to your life. The reality is, basic insurance is right for a small number of people, not everyone. 

Having basic auto insurance is okay if you have an old car of little value and not much in the way of assets. But if you own a home and have savings, basic liability just won’t cut it. 

Contact The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA to discuss what you need when it comes to auto insurance. 

Do I need to have auto insurance when my auto loan is paid off?

If you are living and driving in the state of Virginia, you need to have state-mandated auto insurance. In order to register a vehicle, you need to have the necessary insurance coverage. This is required whether you have a car loan or not. At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA, we are an independent insurance agency that places the needs of our customers first. We work for you, not for an insurance company, and we take that responsibility seriously. 

In simple terms, yes, you do need to have auto insurance when your auto loan is paid off. The mandated insurance is 25/50/20. That is $25,000 for the first person injured in an accident where you are the at-fault driver, with a maximum of $50,000 for an entire accident. The $20,000 is for property damage. This is a reasonable amount but it may not be adequate depending on the accident. 

When you have a car loan, your lender will require that you have more than the mandated liability insurance required by the state of Virginia. You need to carry auto insurance that will protect your vehicle. To protect your vehicle, you must have collision and comprehensive coverage. This insurance is important coverage which you should consider having even if you no longer have a loan. 

Do you use your vehicle every day? Do you need a vehicle to get to work and to do other daily activities? Would you be able to repair or replace your vehicle in the event of an accident, damage incurred by a hit and run, or events beyond your control? If it is a hardship, then having auto insurance to protect your vehicle is a necessity for you. 

Contact The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA when you have questions or needs for auto insurance.