As a car owner, it’s vital that you know the different types of auto insurance coverage you can get if you have a goal of purchasing adequate coverage. Here are the top types of auto insurance coverage that Louisa, VA car owners purchase.
The Different Types Of Auto Insurance
1. Personal Injury Protection
Personal injury protection coverage pays for the driver’s medical expenses after an accident. It also provides compensation for other expenses incurred from the injuries besides medical bills, such as lost wages and child care expenses.
2. Medical Payments Coverage
Unlike personal injury protection coverage, medical payments coverage covers explicitly medical bills. Its coverage extends to you, other family members who might drive the insured car, and the passengers in the vehicle at the time of the accident.
3. Collision Coverage
Collision coverage covers the damage to your vehicle after an accident. This coverage pay for the cost of repairing the car to its initial state or replacing the vehicle if it’s totalled. Keep in mind that if the car is totalled, you will only be compensated up to its actual cash value less your deductible. At The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC, we recommend that you get collision coverage if you want to avoid having to deal with expensive repairs or the cost of purchasing another car after an accident.
4. Comprehensive Coverage
This auto coverage protects your vehicle from damage due to vandalism, fire, theft, and natural disasters. If a peril listed under this coverage damages your car, the insurer will pay to fix it or replace it. The compensation you receive to replace your vehicle will reflect its actual cash value less your deductible.
5. Liability Coverage
Liability coverage is divided into bodily injury and property damage liability. The former covers injuries your car causes to other persons, and the latter covers the damage it causes to third-part property.
Are you looking for auto insurance in Louisa, VA? Call The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC today.